Wednesday, December 8, 2010

First Days in Prescott

We moved up all of our stuff to Prescott the weekend after Thanksgiving.  Knowing that the temperature here was going to be below freezing, not really sure what we were thinking.  However, after moving to Phoenix I thought that the last thing I would ever hear in the morning was “Mommy it’s snowing, can we go play?”  After convincing the kids that snow is actually cold and that would require long pants, jackets, and mismatched socks for gloves the older three went out to make snow angels.

AZ snow angels

You can see Jackie’s at the top, Erik in the middle and they even taught Saige how to make one.

After this none of the kids wanted to head back to Phoenix.  We did have to go back for school and for my work though.  Thank you to all my great friends that gave us a place to sleep and for watching the kids while I put on a seminar in Scottsdale.

Though we did come back up a day earlier than expected, which was great to finally be “home”.  Prescott and our house reminds me of growing up on the East Coast with the parades and the cold, and of course the parades.  The kids and I attended the Annual Prescott Christmas Parade.


Not sure if Saige is scared or confused.  But it didn’t take her long to figure out that there was music to dance too and people throwing candy, and she had Erik there to help her figure it out.


Alex joined in from back on the grass with Mom.  He did start dancing when the marching bands came by.


Saige is patiently watching Erik & Jackie play basketball out front, while eating candy from the parade waiting to go to story time down town Prescott.

We are all still trying to get used to the cold, the actually having a yard and to the small town, I will try to post more as to how we adjust.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Preston’s Move to Prescott

Back in October Tom got the job of Executive Chef at the Wyndham Garden Inn in Prescott, Arizona.  While I thought that I could handle all 4 kids until the end of 2010, I couldn’t have been anymore wrong.  We moved all our stuff up Thanksgiving weekend, then the kids and I followed the following weekend. 

Our first weekend was a lot of fun.  We went to the annual Christmas parade downtown that everyone seemed to enjoy.  We even managed to keep Saige from running out into the street.  Then the kids and I decided to go to the Christmas Story reading and the Annual Lighting of Downtown Prescott.  While the idea behind this is great, unless you hung out all day and had a seat right up front then you couldn’t hear anything.  Erik and I decided that next year if Dad can’t go then we won’t go either.

Today Erik started at Granite Mountain Middle School.  This is a complete change.  He now has a locker so he doesn’t have to carry around his backpack completely full all day.  He has a class schedule that even I can understand.  I did drive him to the bus stop where I was quickly informed I could leave.  We did have a misunderstanding of the Prescott School Districts bus schedule for after school.  We discovered that he is to take one bus to the High School then another to his stop.  Due to this he missed the bus and I had to pick him up from school, but at least now we know.

Jackie also had a great day.  She had two buddies to show her around today at school.  Her classroom is right inside the front door of the school.  It was a bit different not having half the neighborhood hanging out right outside the doors waiting to pick up their kids though.  She managed to go through the day with no bumps or surprises.

As for myself, Saige & Alex.  We did find a home for drop in daycare that is extremely close to the house.  I also think that we have decided to enroll Saige in pre-school for 3 days a week for a few hours.  However, for my first day working from home with two babies I would say we did pretty well, considering I FINALLY got them both to nap at the same timeSmile  This is a major accomplishment.

We are all now home at the same time with Alex sleeping, Saige curled up with Daddy, Erik & Jackie having a rare moment of getting along with a fire in the fire place.

Good night all, Plan for tomorrow is to do a recap with the pictures that I have since we have been here.  Check back later for more.